Many times, students fail to see the importance of mathematics, and the relevance of it to everyday, real-world life. Math is much more than just numbers and symbols that you deal with in school and on exams. There are many, many uses of mathematics throughout life, and the stronger one’s math skills are, the more doors will open for them. Unfortunately, many times, students fail to truly appreciate this, because of the hard work that sometimes must be put in to develop these skills. In this post, I just wanted to point out an example of real life mathematics, to hopefully demonstrate that amazing things can be created. In particular, allow me to show you some amazing examples of architecture inspired by mathematics.
Mobius strip template
There are many more observable examples of math in our world. You can likely find something inspired by math nearby to you. My point is that math is not just a hard subject in school that your teachers are forcing you to study. It has purpose and a place in our world, and some of our greatest achievements are solely based on a solid understanding of the field of mathematics.